~ Organic Defense® Credo  ~

We believe that good health is a birthright.

We believe in health when you are told it is not possible.

We believe in providing organic, natural products made by Nature to support your immune system and health.

We believe there is an innate wisdom in the creativity and complexity of Nature… and that it is a profound source of healing.

We believe in scientific support for our products, and that science can show us what Nature has known all along…

We believe that inspiration, joy and hope are the fuel of life.

We believe in cultivating empowerment, hope and joy through our products.

We believe that feeling healthy is the greatest gift you can give yourself or someone you love.

We believe in celebrating life, by laughing, dancing and having the best health possible!

We believe that you are entitled to the best health possible!

PS:  We believe that rolling on the floor in laughter is a liberating  exercise for body, mind and spirit & should be engaged in at least 3 times a week… minimum!